Feedback Needed to Shape Pinellas ARPA Capital Grant Program

On January 11, 2022, the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners approved a $19 million grant program to help Pinellas County recover from the impacts of COVID-19. The Pinellas County ARPA Nonprofit Capital Grant Program is funded through the County’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Plan via the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). It will address systemic public health and economic issues, including the disproportionate effects on Black and Brown residents.
“Feedback must be garnered from Nonprofits led by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) leaders and those that serve BIPOC populations,” says Randall H. Russell, President, and CEO of the Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg. “The County’s pursuit of feedback is a positive step towards equity. If what the Foundation has heard is any indication, the Capital needs of our local organizations greatly exceed $19M. It is our hope that Pinellas Nonprofits will participate en mass in this survey to help ask for and demonstrate that need.”
If you work for or lead Nonprofit services in Pinellas County, your feedback is needed to help inform which capital assets (with a life span of greater than five years) should be included in the Pinellas County ARPA Nonprofit Capital Grant Program.
Potential eligible capital asset costs may include, but are not limited to:
- Vehicles
- Equipment
- Land
- Buildings
- Facility upgrades
- Refrigerators
- Solar Panels
Your input will help shape the program’s design.
Please complete the following 15-minute survey* no later than January 26, 2022 at 5:00pm EST.
- To respond to the survey in English, please complete our Pinellas County Nonprofit Needs Assessment.
- To respond to the survey in Spanish, please complete our Evaluación de las necesidades de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro del Condado Pinellas.
*Pinellas County may contact you directly to seek additional information; however, completing the survey does not obligate you to provide additional information.