Pinellas County Nonprofit Assessment
The Pinellas County Nonprofit Assessment release event brought more than 200 guests together with Foundation staff, trustees, strategic partners and funded partners to unveil the findings of the first, county-wide scan and survey of the Pinellas County non-profit sector. Foundation President and CEO Randall H. Russell provided an update of the Foundation’s mission of health equity and discussed the value of nonprofits understanding themselves. Nonprofit Leadership Center CEO Emily Benham, FAHP, CFRE, followed with bright spots and future challenges based on the report and moderated a panel that included Russell, Tampa Bay Area President of the United Way Sunscoast Emery M. Ivery and Steve Zimmerman, CPA, MBA, Principal of Spectrum Nonprofit Services. The morning closed with an audience discussion of surprises in the current report and suggestions for future research on the nonprofit sector in Pinellas County, particularly focusing on smaller organizations led by and serving persons of color.