Vote for Your Health
When we vote, we help shape the conditions and environments that determine our health. That's why it's important to exercise our right to vote in this and every election.
Your Vote, Your Health, Our Future
While voting is often linked with civic duty and political participation, its impacts extend far beyond the ballot box. Research shows that communities with higher voter turnout rates are healthier and more equitable. The relationship between voting and health is reciprocal; our health can impact our ability to vote, and the act of voting can also impact our health outcomes.
Simply put, what we vote on at the polls affects every aspect of our social environment – our educational opportunities, the kinds of jobs and training opportunities our communities offer, our local neighborhoods, the services offered in them, and so much more. Our social environment, in turn, determines our health.
So vote. Your health depends on it.
Shape Policies
When we vote, we exercise our right to make decisions about the systems and conditions that shape the health of our communities – like economic opportunities, neighborhood safety, schools, and more.
Fuel Your Purpose
Voting also fuels our sense of purpose and makes us feel more connected to our community, research shows. When we participate in civic life through voting, we can improve our sense of social well-being.
Be Heard + Counted
People who are less likely to vote are more likely to be negatively impacted by policy decisions, research shows. Voting barriers disproportionately impact people of color, younger people, and those from lower-income households.
Have You Made A Voting Plan?
The election is just days away on Tuesday, November 5th, and includes important choices that help shape our quality of life. Your vote makes a difference in every single race. Our democracy thrives when we participate at the polls, and voting is one of the most important ways we have to make our voices heard in America.
Now is a great time to make a voting plan. Answer the questions below to make sure your vote is counted on November 5th.
- Are you registered to vote? Go to VotePinellas.Gov to check your registration status.
- How are you voting? In person on November 5th, by mail, or through early voting?
- Where are you voting? You can find your precinct, or voting location, on VotePinellas.Gov.
- How will you get to the polls? Do you need a ride?
- What time are you voting? Polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM on Election Day.
Go to VotePinellas.Gov to check your registration status, find your voting precinct, check polling hours, and more. Have questions? Call the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections at 727.464.VOTE (727.464.8683) or email