Upon his entrance into the workforce, Joe Lugo was surprised to realize at what level bias in the workplace was prevalent. He witnessed the discrimination and bias himself, and also observed many others facing great obstacles because of who they are, which in turn prevented these businesses from reaching their highest potential.
Joe Lugo wholeheartedly believes that culture brings about beauty, and will improve a company in every way. Based on that belief, Joe founded J^3 Creations, which helps develop organizations that realize the value in diversity and inclusion.
As a community leader, proud Puerto Rican, and diversity coach, Joe helps people understand life’s many filters through his non-exclusive mentality, and aids them to best reconsider their filters to shape our outlook on the world. Joe has made his life goal to defend those who have been limited in opportunities because of who they are, and puts his life into his work with the goal toward a more beautiful, inclusive future.
Joe Lugo is a published author and he has co-founded and helped launch the first ever Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Pinellas County and serves on the executive board and as its Vice President. He also serve in various leadership and consulting roles with Mi Gente, Mi Pueblo, The Diversity Council and the Hispanic Leadership Council. He also currently serves on the board for The Foundation for Healthy St. Pete.
He is known for his passion for writing, speaking, consulting, and training, as well as, diversity, equity & inclusion awareness and advocating for the Hispanic/Latin/LatinX and Deaf communities. Joe has a passion for learning as he has completed three degrees and is in the process of completing another. He is a published author with over 20 years of leading, sharing and teaching all that he has learned through his experiences. He has also started a non-profit as a way of giving back to the community through educational services. He lives in Florida with His wife, Sandy, of 30 years and has two adult sons, Matthew and Andrew.