Due to Hurricane Milton, Foundation offices will be closed from Tuesday, Oct. 8, through Friday, Oct. 11. All events scheduled in our Center for Health Equity through Oct. 18 have been postponed. Please see disaster.pinellas.gov for info on the storm.


Advancing Health, Elevating Equity

So that all Pinellas County residents can thrive

The Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg works to achieve racially equitable health outcomes and improve the determinants that shape them. We convene, lead, scale, and fund critical work to eliminate racial disparities, change systems, and strengthen our community.

Join the Movement

Led by Community

Listening well means truly hearing the lived experience of those in our community. Community voices underscore what’s not working well, highlight where solutions are already underway, and shape meaningful action.

Current Partners

Focused on Race

Race is the biggest variable in health differences among residents in Pinellas County. Health equity is inseparable from racial equity so to build a healthier community, race must be at the forefront of our efforts and solutions.

Why Race Matters

Fueling for Change

The Foundation strategically invests money towards racial equity initiatives and fuels community through relationships, connections to support networks, research and data, access to technology, and physical space.

Take Action Together

Driven By Data

Problems are put into perspective by data. Equity data and analysis help illustrate the scale and impact of issues, can point to new connections, and ensure the solutions we invest in are doing the work they promised to do.

View Local Impact

A Vision of Equity

Equitable regions—where everyone in the community is able to live a long, healthy life—are more prosperous, and experience stronger, more sustained growth. By investing in equity, Pinellas County helps build a more stable, resilient community that is more likely to experience lasting social and economic success.

2023 Annual Report

The year 2023 marked an exciting new chapter in our history as we identified our 2023 and 2024 priority focus areas, deepened our impact with a post-pandemic return to full staffing and new leadership, strengthened key partnerships, and expanded touchpoints for community engagement and collaboration. Read the full report to learn more about our work to advance health and empower equity in the South St. Petersburg community we’re proud to call home.

Read the Full Report


Looking Back to Move Forward

Today’s social change advocates can learn a great deal from stories about people who have previously stood together to challenge the status quo and fight for equity. This evolving project serves as an entry point for education, understanding, and further exploration into the history and opportunity for social change in Pinellas County.

Explore the history site


Recent Highlights

Funded Partner Spotlight: Rise and Thrive Foundation

Sep 30, 2024News

When Kay-Kay Smith moved to St. Petersburg from Miami in 1994, she quickly found herself facing a host of challenges. A career in cosmetology offered her a way to provide for her young son and find stability, even through hard times. Today, she directs the Rise and Thrive Foundation, with a mission of disrupting cycles […]

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Funded Partner Spotlight: Sickle Cell Disease Association – St. Pete Chapter

Aug 30, 2024News

When Mary Murph’s daughters were diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease more than 50 years ago, information on the condition was hard to find. In her quest to better understand what her daughters were facing and how she could help, Murph wrote dozens of letters to groups all over the country before finally receiving a handful […]

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Funded Partner Spotlight: 360 Eats

Jul 31, 2024News

After graduating from college, Cameron Macleish found himself living in a dumpster diving community in Melbourne, Australia. At first, rescuing food seemed like a major life hack to save money. Soon after, however, he saw the amount of food waste he was witnessing as a major problem – and also an opportunity. After returning home […]

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Join our Community of Changemakers

It is through our collective actions and ideas that we will achieve racial and health equity in Pinellas County. Keep pushing the movement forward. Connect with the Foundation and subscribe to our emails to stay updated on opportunities, developments, and events around equity.

Thank you for your interest!